Effectiveness and Possibilities of Online International Interaction for Camp Leaders

Find here the presentation that ICF Board Member Masako Harigaya made, at the 24th research conference of the Japan Outdoor Education Society (JOES), that was held online on November 6-7, 2021. Our Japanese speaking members may find the program and abstracts here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ddkgm80co4t1q3i/24th%20JOES%20abstract%20.pdf?dl=0   #icf_camping_fellowship…

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Australian Camps Association Annual Report 2020-2021

The Australian Camps Association released their Annual Report at their Annual General Meeting in November 2021. Each year the Australian Camps Association produces an Annual Report outlining our milestones and impact throughout the financial year. You can view the 2020-2021 Annual Report here. #icf_camping_fellowship #internationalcampingfellowship #icfconnect…

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