
Call for Board Nominations

At ICC 2023 in Tarragona, Spain, the International Camping Fellowship Board is changing to provide fresh leadership for the term (2023-2026). We welcome (and require) representation from camping communities around the world. ICF needs leaders like you. Some candidates are elected to Board positions. Other…

ICC 2023 Early Bird Registrations

International Camping Congress Early Bird Registration until April 30, 2023   Now is the time to take advantage of the early bird registration rate. Deadline is April 30, 2023!     Register for the ICC 2023 in Spain here and join over 300 camp professionals from over…

100 Reasons to Attend the ICC 2023 in Spain!

Are there really 100 reasons to attend the ICC 2023? No, there are thousands! But the Organizing Committee of the International Camping Congress has selected the top 100! This social media campaign is programmed to last from November 2022 until September 2023! Every week, two…

ICF President’s Remarks – December 2022

Dear ICF Family, As 2022 draws to a close, and we are getting ready to greet 2023: We cannot let tough memories of the last 3 years pull us down anymore. It is time to turn our faces to the future and focus on new opportunities ahead of…