
ICF President’s Remarks – May 2021

Dear ICF Family, We are a just a few steps before the summer of 2021. The ICF leadership team has made a huge effort to stay in contact with the ICF members, to get updates on conditios in each country and to share them across…

Australian Camps Association National Conference April 2021

The Australian Camps Association recently ran its first face to face Conference since pre-COVID times and it was a resounding success. It brought together camp managers and their staff for two days of PD and socializing, focusing on the theme of ‘Recharge’. We aimed to…

Okean: A Leading Edge of Camp Education

The Russian Children’s Center “Okean” is located near Vladivostok on Russia’s Pacific Coast. It is one of four federal children’s centers operated under the supervision of the federal ministry responsible for education. As such, a large staff of educators and youth leaders work year round…