The Outdoor Council of Australia (OCA) has announced a summit to discuss the priorities and a path to a possible transformation of the outdoors industry and its sectors across Australia. It is the perfect time to come together to further unite and strengthen the various streams of the outdoor sector and the universal challenges faced by individuals, businesses and organisations that work within it.
The OCA Board, which is made up of CEO’s and Presidents of many of the State and National outdoor sector peaks, has committed to inviting 100 sector representatives to gather together via Zoom, over two sessions in May:
● Tuesday 25 May, 2021 (afternoon)
● Wednesday 26 May, 2021 (morning)

We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the OCA summit is committed:

● to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as other people of diverse gender, age and cultural backgrounds.
● to facilitate all working groups to listen and be respectful to all marginalised groups, working towards best practices within the outdoors community.
● to direct all working groups to consider the impact of climate change and how the outdoor sector might be leaders.

Draft Agenda:

● The event will be facilitated and attendees will be involved in a discussion about a proposed positive cycle for the outdoors sectors.
Topics will include but not limited to:
○ Effective communication on outdoor sector careers
○ Training pathways
○ Accreditation and safety
○ Superior service offer
○ Galvanised marketing of the sectors
○ Pay and conditions
○ Retention of professionals across the sectors
● Attendees will collectively clarify an agreed list of priority items to focus on.

Proposed Outcomes:

• Enhanced understanding of the issues and opportunities for the outdoors sectors
• Inform future direction for initiatives to be undertaken by the OCA and other organisations
• Working groups maybe formed to further explore opportunities for transformation, with a discussion on terms of reference including feedback loop on progress to the outdoors community

To ensure all members of the outdoors community feel included, opportunities to connect with a number of OCA Board members will be made available to all throughout the process.